High pressure hose Nilfisk 9M

High-pressure hose

Ref.. 126481140

Flexible high pressure cleaner Kew Dynamic model with type C150 handle until June 2000. Adaptable to Nilfisk Alto G2 / G3 / G4 / G5 handles but be careful to check the maximum pressure of your device.

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38,90 € HT
(46,68 € TTC)
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All about high pressure hose Nilfisk 9M

Nilfisk high pressure hose, length 9M.
Flexible high pressure cleaner Kew Dynamic model with handle type C150 until June 2000.
Flexible 9 meters.
Flexible with reinforced metal frame
Model without reel.
To check compatibility it must be written on your handle “C150”.
Compatible with STIHL cleaner.
Adaptable to Nilfisk Alto G2 / G3 / G4 / G5 handles but be careful to check the maximum pressure of your device.
Each handle has a maximum recommended operating pressure.
Native country
Nilfisk Alto
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Sales unit
1 unit By Unit
Weight (3)
1,14 Kg (3)
Manufacturer Warranty
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High pressure hose Nilfisk 9M
Size of the package (4)
Length : 0,20cmWidth : 0,20cmHeight : 0,20cm
Quantity available (2)
1 Unit
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