Stoko Soap

Stoko now part of SC Johnson

Stoko integrated into the SC Johnson group

Stoko Skin Care was a leader in Europe for the production of skin protection, cleaning and care products intended to protect skin stressed by professional life and in particular in the industrial sector with highly recognized products.
STOKO distribution systems enjoyed a reputation in the industrial world, particularly for its innovative products with leading products such as Travabon, Stoko protect, Stoko footcare, Verapol, slig spezial, Reduran, etc., which were benchmarks.

To date, after the integration of Stoko into the Deb group, it is SC Johnson which, having taken over the Deb entity, has integrated part of the Stoko range.
Stoko products are now branded under SC Johnson and are partly integrated into the DEB range.

How do I find my Stoko products?

STOKO Vario 2 litre soap dispenser cartridges

STOKO cartridges were dedicated to specific captive dispensers. The entire cartridge line was stopped and transferred to equivalents. The discontinuation of the STOKO Refresh hygiene range is definitive and total . Only a few references in STOKO 2-liter SoftBox cartridges have been preserved to continue supplying the Vario dispensers.
To find STOKO products, the names have sometimes evolved but remain with lexical roots understandable by users of Stoko soap.
Deb through the Sc Johnson group has maintained 2 liter cartridges in "SOFTBOX" format for your STOKO Vario 2 liter dispensers .
A list of 8 STOKO cartridges has been maintained with the following matches.

Stoko Designation Designation Deb Vario cartridge 2L
Krestopol Extra Solopol EXTRA 35577
Special Slig Kresto Special PN81907A06
Estesol Classic Estesol PN83503A06
Frapantol Stoko Estesol Pure PN82543A06
Cupran Stoko Kresto Classic PN87147A06
EStesol Hair & Body Estesol Shower 29126
Solopol Classic Solopol 35284
Stokolan Classic Stokolan Classic 22326

All these formulations are now also available in 2L and 4L cartridges under the DEB SKIN Care SC Johnson brand and you can therefore replace your STOKO Vario dispensers with the new Deb SkinCare soap dispensers.
The range has taken on names which refer to areas of use:
-> Estesol STOKO Deb = Light dirt - Medium - Body and Hair Shower
-> Solopol STOKO Deb = Heavy to very heavy dirt - Workshop soap - Industry
-> Kresto STOKO Deb = Very strong dirt - Specific dirt

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10 on 10 products

Estesol Stoko workshop soap 6X2L

79,08 € HT 59,95 € HT
Ref: PN83503A06

Estesol classic from Stoko is a liquid skin cleanser for light soiling. The Estsesol range is now part of…

Stoko 23 In stock

Kresto classic workshop soap tube 250 ml

7,24 € HT
Ref: KCL250ML

Kresto bitumen from Stoko replaces the Cupran formula. Special hand cleaning product, containing a solven…

Stoko 12 In stock

Kresto special Stoko workshop soap 6x2L

275,34 € HT 206,00 € HT
Ref: PN81907A06

Kresto special by Deb SC Johnson is the new name for Kresto Paint ex Slig Spezial by Stoko, a special han…

Stoko 7 In stock

Soap Dispenser Stoko Vario black

68,86 € HT 29,00 € HT
Ref: 26180

Soap dispenser Stoko Vario black 2000 ml. Accepts Stoko 2000 ml and 1000 ml cartridges. Dimensions: 135 …

Stoko 4 In stock

Estesol Pure Stoko workshop soap 6X2L

93,30 € HT 83,95 € HT
Ref: PN82543A06

Estesol Pure lotion cartridge 2 L for STOKO Vario dispenser is a hand washing lotion for light to medium …

Stoko 3 In stock

Soap Dispenser Stoko Vario white 2000ml

68,86 € HT
Ref: 27655

Soap dispenser Stoko Vario white 2000 ml. Accepts Stoko 2000 ml and 1000 ml cartridges. Dimensions: 135 …

Stoko 3 In stock

Solopol Extra Stoko workshop soap 6X2L

181,26 € HT 134,90 € HT
Ref: 35577

Solopol Extra by Deb replaces krestopol Stoko. Solvent-free cleaning cream and skin cleaning pastes for h…

Stoko 3 In stock

Kresto classic Stoko workshop soap 6X2L

207,06 € HT 149,00 € HT
Ref: PN87147A06

Kresto bitumen from Stoko replaces the Cupran formula. Special hand cleaning product, containing a solven…

Stoko 3 In stock

Solopol classic Stoko workshop soap 4X2L

143,22 € HT 109,60 € HT
Ref: 35284

Solopol classic by Deb Stoko is the new name for Verapol plus. Solopol Classic is now part of the Deb Sc …


Stokolan classic Stoko hand cream 9x1L

302,13 € HT 211,00 € HT
Ref: 22326

Stokolan classic is a regenerating cream for normal, dry and stressed skin. Originally developed by Stoko…


The correspondence range soap STOKO => Deb SC Johnson

The complete range has been transferred to Deb SC Johnson packaging and similar trade names. However, in order to easily find your old product from the SOKO range towards the migration (often in identical formulation) to the Deb SKIN Care range integrated into the SC Johnson Group to date, just like the range of workshop soap from the ARMA brand.

Stoko transfer of products

The STOKO name transfer table will allow you to quickly find the equivalence of your historic soap.

STOKO designation SC Johnson Designation Use
Stokoderm Protect Pure Stokoderm Protect Protection av/ap Work
Travabon Classic Work well Protection av/ap Work
Stokoderm Grip PURE Stokoderm Universal PURE Protection av/ap Work
Stokoderm Sun Protect 50 PURE Stokoderm Sun Protect 50 Pure Protection av/ap Work
Stokoderm Aqua PURE Stokoderm Aqua PURE Protection av/ap Work
Stokoderm Footcare Stokoderm Footcare Protection av/ap Work
Estesol Lotion Stoko Estesol Light soiling wash
Estesol Classic Stoko Estesol Light soiling wash
Estesol Lotion Pure STOKO Estesol Pure Light soiling wash
Estesol Mild Wash (Frapantol Eco Line) Stoko Estesol Pure Light soiling wash
Estesol Hair & Body Deb range Estesol Hair & Body Hair body shower
Estesol Hair & Body Stoko Estesol Shower Hair body shower
Estesol FX Estesol FX Medium soiling wash
Estesol FX PURE Stoko Estesol FX Pure Medium soiling wash
Solopol GFX Solopol GFX Heavy soiling wash
Solopol Classic Stoko Solopol Heavy soiling wash
Natural Power Wash Stoko Solopol Heavy soiling wash
Solopol Classic Pure Stoko Solopol PURE Heavy soiling wash
Solopol Classic EXTRA Stoko Solopol EXTRA Heavy soiling wash
Solopol Strong (Krestopol STOKO) Solopol EXTRA Heavy soiling wash
Kresto Citrus Kresto Citrus Heavy soiling wash
Kresto Paint (Slig) STOKO Kresto Special Special dirt wash
Kresto Special Ultra STOKO Kresto Special Special dirt wash
Kresto Classic Kresto Classic Washing very heavy dirt
Kresto Universal Wipes Solopol Universal Wipes Heavy duty dirt wipe
Kresto Kwik Wipes Solopol Kwik Wipes Very strong dirt wipe
Kresto Special Wipes Kresto Special Wipes Specific dirt wipe
Stokolan Light PURE STOKO Stokolan Light PURE Skin care
Stokolan Classic STOKO Stokolan Classic Skin care
Stokolan Sensitive PURE Stokolan Sensitive PURE Skin care

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