Placing an order

To order on our site, it's easy!

Create my account or log in

Login and account creation

If you already have an account, log in using your email and password.

If you haven't yet registered, you can easily create your account from the "Login" menu at the top right of the site.
You can also register or log in when validating your cart.

Product search

To easily find the articles that interest you, search by keywords, category, product name or reference in the area provided at the top of the site.

You can also browse our catalog via the site menu, and find all of our categories on the product index.

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Add product to cart

Add to cart

You have an add to cart button on all the pages of the catalog, for each of the items presented.

When a product is not available, this button informs you. You can then go to the detailed product page to be alerted to its availability.


In your cart, you can adjust the quantities of your items or delete them, then transform it into a quote or finalize your order.

You will then have to choose your delivery address then the mode of transport to obtain the delivery costs and the total amount of your order.

Then choose your means of payment among those proposed, then let yourself be guided until the final validation of your order. You will then receive a confirmation email containing the details of the items as well as their availability, and the payment and delivery methods used.

  • French company

    Our team is at your disposal on (+33) 4 94 12 03 88 (non-premium rate) Monday to Friday from 8:45 to 12:00am / 1:30 to 5:30pm (4:15pm on friday)

  • Secure payment

    Pay online for your purchases by credit card, check, transfer and administrative mandate (ChorusPro).

  • Delivery and deadlines

    Benefit from quality, tracked delivery thanks to our partner carriers (UPS, France Express, DPD, Schenker, Geodis, etc.)